We offer safeguarding training to support practitioners who work with children, young people, adults and their families.

Our training is delivered through:

  • virtual workshops
  • face-to-face training
  • e-learning courses

The training is structured across six years and is available through a platform called Enable.

This system hosts a variety of courses that are designed to develop an understanding of safeguarding. 

Accessing Enable

Login to access training 

Register to access training 

Updating your email address

If you have moved roles and your email address has changed, your safeguarding learner record goes with you. Please do not re-register if you already have an Enable learner record. You can request an email change by contacting the Safeguarding training team.

If you are unsure if you already have an existing account, please email us your previous email address(s) and we can check the system. 

Using Enable

  • the e-learning courses work best through the Google Chrome internet browser
  • charges apply for some e-learning, face to face training and virtual workshops for academy schools, local authority schools, independent schools, further and higher education settings and private organisations (this does not include private nurseries). Full details are included in the training policy and 6-year pathway documents.

For all training queries, please contact us by email.


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