Sub-groups are made up of representatives from agencies who form the membership of the Operational Delivery Group.

The LSCP’s work will be conducted through a number of permanent or temporarily convened sub-groups.

Policy, Procedure, Education and Training Sub Group (PPET)

The purpose of PPET is to promote effective working relationships, between member agencies, groups and voluntary organisations.

Its main functions is to:

  • develop, maintain, monitor and review all LSCP policies, education and training
  • to ensure all partners put the learning from serious case reviews into practice

Chair: Nick Waters, Lincolnshire Police.

View the terms of reference for PPET.

Significant Incident Review Group (SIRG)

Professionals and organisations in Lincolnshire with a role in protecting children, need to reflect on the quality of services and learn from their own practice and that of others.

Good practice should be shared so that there is a growing understanding of what works well. Equally, when things go wrong, there needs to be a robust and objective analysis of what happened and why. Lessons can then be learnt and services improved to reduce the risk of future harm to children

The purpose of SIRG is to oversee all open serious incident case, the associated action plans and consider examples of good multi-agency practice.

Chair: Elaine Todd, ULHT

View the terms of reference for SIRG.

Child Exploitation and Missing Sub Group (CE)

The purpose of the group is to develop, review, and maintain strategies, processes, and resources to ensure children are safeguarded and live free of the threat of exploitation and other emerging threats to their safety and well-being. The group will focus on:

  • child sexual exploitation
  • child criminal exploitation (including County Lines)
  • missing children
  • trafficked children

The CE&M Sub-group provides governance to the Operational MACE.

Chair: Rachael Cox, Lincolnshire Police.

View the terms of reference for CE.

Education Sub Group (ESG)

To engage education providers in the business of the LSCP and build a shared understanding of priorities to support schools and colleges in promoting the welfare of their pupils. The group aims to help Schools manage the fine balance between the need to educate children whilst meeting the requirement to safeguard pupils and promote their welfare.

Chair: Kathryn Creaser, Priory Federation of Academies.

View the terms of reference for ESG.

Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)

The Child Death Overview Panel will fulfil the requirements as described in Chapter 5 of Working Together to Safeguard Children to collect and analyse information about every death of a child aged under 18 years of age in Lincolnshire with a view to:

  • identifying any matters relating to the death or deaths that are relevant to the welfare of children in the area and to public health and safety
  • considering whether it is appropriate for any action to be taken by anyone in relation to their findings
  • taking action to inform the necessary person

Chair: Dr Julian Saggiorato, Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children, Children in Care and Adults, NHS Lincolnshire ICB

View the terms of reference for CDOP.

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